Directions to ARR from Aguilar

  1. Take I-25 to the Aguilar exit—Exit 34.

  2. Turn right at the stop sign, go over the railroad tracks, and take a quick left.

  3. Turn left at the T (1.7 miles in); then turn right on Main Street (not far). There’s a sign that says it’s 9 miles to Gulnare. (It’s actually 10.8 miles.) Go through beautiful downtown Aguilar.

  4. The road turns to dirt at 7.8 miles in from I-25 (before Gulnare).

  5. At 12.4 miles in from I-25, the road forks. Go left onto Road 42.0 (Jarosa Canyon Road), away from the road to Cordova Pass. THIS ROAD CAN BE SLIPPERY WHEN IT’S MUDDY OR ICY.

  6. Go PAST Road 41.7 at 15.7 miles in (goes left to the Wildlife Area), PAST Road 21.7 at 22.6 miles in (goes right over Cordova Pass), PAST Road 21.1.

  7. At about 24.5 miles in from I-25. the entry to "the Ranch" is on the right, marked by an archway with an Aspen Rose Ranch sign.

  8. Once inside, there is a locked gate a short way down the road. Enter the combination on the key pad for entry.